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2012 Membership Series

Membership in The Mother Church is an inspired and significant step for any student of Christian Science to take in the ongoing and ever-unfolding study and practice of Christian Science. In this series members from diverse backgrounds and experiences share what special meaning membership in The Mother Church has for them. — The Editors

Trust = full reward

From the November 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I joined The Mother Church when I was in my teens. I had attended Sunday School and had some great healings. It seemed the thing to do. But by 17, Christian Science seemed old- fashioned and fuddy-duddy to me. I wanted a “work hard, party hard” lifestyle and left Christian Science for a life of excitement.

Well, if you’ve read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 in the Bible, my story may not surprise you, as there are a few parallels.

I had good jobs, heaps of friends, great parties, but fell in with the wrong crowd. I moved in with a guy twice my age and became pregnant. We moved to another city, had a beautiful baby boy, and got married. But then things started to go pearshaped. My husband went bankrupt, we moved halfway ’round the world to London, and he promptly lost interest in me and in our son. Over the next few years things became progressively worse. We moved 13 times in nine years. It seemed every time the rent was due, it was time for us to move on.

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