One night last summer, while getting ready for bed, I noticed itchy bumps on my body. It looked and felt like an outbreak I’d had a few times before. In previous instances, the condition got worse before it got better—causing restless discomfort and ugly blisters for a few weeks before clearing up.
My prayers during the previous occurrences had boosted my morale, but hadn’t brought relief. But the outcome of my prayers this time was different. My disappointment gave way to calm as I felt a divine companionship, a confident knowing that I would hear Christ’s healing message.
Clearing my thinking, I turned wholeheartedly to God, and my calmness turned into pure joy. I felt caught up in the spirit of my communion with God, rather than feeling afraid about any symptoms. I saw that the spiritual growth I’d gained from the previous times I’d prayed about this condition cleared the path to Truth in my thinking.