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Road Diaries

An occasional column, recording insights and experiences from members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship as they travel the world, speaking on Christian Science and its healing mission.

Traveling to and from lectures

From the March 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

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Traveling to and from lectures is always an adventure—Love’s adventure. Most of the time it’s seamless and buoyant. Once in a while opportunities pop up that demand patience, alertness, and joyful perseverance. That’s when I’m blessed with growth in grace.

Probably the most challenging travel time occurred after the terrorist attacks in the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. I was lecturing in California on the following Saturday, so had tickets to travel on Friday morning, the day the airports reopened. My husband was traveling with me. We arrived at the airport several hours before the flight to find long, long lines and total gridlock. Over two hours in line, and with 15 minutes until our flight, there was no possible way to be on the plane in time.

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