It was a time of many changes in my life. I was starting a new career, having just resigned from a successful decade of professional cooking. I was also preparing to move with my wife to California from my native Canada, to attend a two-year Christian Science nursing work/training program in San Francisco. In the midst of the many preparations, we visited relatives out of town, and at their branch church service one Sunday morning, I left in the middle of the service because of nausea.
Retiring to a quiet room, I prayed for myself as best as I could. As a student of the Bible and the teachings of Christian Science, I pondered several spiritual facts I already knew about God’s creation: that Life is in reality spiritual since God is Life, Spirit. Also, that man’s real substance is as His image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26). On this basis I could challenge what the five physical senses seemed to report: that I could be merely a mortal material being susceptible to spontaneous sickness or organic dysfunction.
I turned up the volume on my spiritual senses, which I knew would help reveal a totally different picture. God, being Love, wouldn’t cause or authorize sickness for His creation any more than He would have evil be any part of His own goodness. I felt enough relief to be able to return near the end of the service.