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Of this I am sure, that each Rule and By-law in this Manual will increase the spirituality of him who obeys it, invigorate his capacity to heal the sick, to comfort such as mourn, and to awaken the sinner. —Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 230

During the coming year, authors will explore a dozen or so of the By-Laws found under the heading “DISCIPLINE, Article VIII, Guidance of Members” in the Church Manual. We hope this new series will encourage you to take a fresh look at the Manual, be inspired and guided by the divine direction it offers, and will lead you to these and the other By-Laws offer, and share your own insights into how following these Rules is guiding you to a fuller life practice of Christian Science. 
 —The Editors

Charity to all

From the May 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Charity to All.
While members of this Church do not believe in the doctrines of theosophy, hypnotism, or spiritualism, they cherish no enmity toward those who do believe in such doctrines, and will not harm them. But whenever God calls a member to bear testimony to Truth and to defend the Cause of Christ, he shall do it with love and without fear.
Mary Baker Eddy, Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Section 25 

Charity to all? Love for all?  No matter what someone believes or practices?  Really?!? That is what the By-Law “Charity to All” in the Manual of The Mother Church (pp. 47–48) expects of Christian Scientists. Maybe it isn’t so surprising that Christian Science, based squarely on the teaching of Christ Jesus, would require us to have unconditional love for all humanity, even those who preach or practice beliefs not found in Jesus’ teaching. 

The By-Law reads: “Charity to All. While members of this Church do not believe in the doctrines of theosophy, hypnotism, or spiritualism, they cherish no enmity toward those who do believe in such doctrines, and will not harm them. But whenever God calls a member to bear testimony to Truth and to defend the Cause of Christ, he shall do it with love and without fear.”

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