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In the stable

From the December 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was a stable, not a mansion
It was a star, not a parade of dignitaries
It was quietude, not a party of notables
It was animals, not the masses 

And yet, 
It was safety
It was protection
It was a divinely provided sanctuary

It was exactitude
It was divine placement
It was Love’s gift to humanity 

It was the coming of the Christ 
It was the magnitude of divinity recognized
It inspires our story, also, if we live in stable 
quietness, allowing the Christ-idea to 
animate our thinking and actions 

And that is bringing the Christmas story daily in consciousness
It is not allowing the noise in the inn, 
the human story of mortality, 
to dominate our thought 

It is Christmas to be seen and felt 
It is seeing our divine oneness dawning
It is staying out of the inn
and in the stable

—Melissa Baker

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