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Of Good Report

A community of Christian Science healers

From the December 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am so grateful for God, divine Love, leading me to the loving, courageous, and dedicated community of Christian Science healers. Through a shared understanding of the truth of God’s laws, we support one another and pray for the world. I have found the lovingkindness of the Christian Science community to be a great comfort in times of need.

A couple of weeks before Christmas 2020, my aunt and two cousins perished in a house gas explosion. When I was informed, I went numb. I was in a daze. When my sister told me about this tragic event, she advised me not to read about it or watch news coverage of the incident.

My sister’s loving direction reminded me of Mary Baker Eddy’s statement, “Stand porter at the door of thought” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 392). To me, this says to be alert and not allow any thoughts into consciousness that are not of God, good. In this case, the many human perceptions and opinions surrounding the situation could have challenged my desire to pray to gain some peace about my loved ones.

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