Last year I suffered debilitating pain in my back, which had me bent double and made it extremely difficult to walk and to stand when I arose from sitting or sleeping. This condition persisted. But every time the pain gripped me, I endeavored to turn my thoughts to the eternal verity of God and away from what I knew to be false evidence—to feel the actuality of harmonious being and affirm the eternal harmony of God, good.
Then one day as I was standing at the kitchen sink in agony, supporting myself on the kitchen bench but still listening for God’s thoughts, I heard this quiet, calm angel message: “Now.” So simple, imperative, and entirely unchallenged. This Christ-idea continued: “Now is God: God is now. Now is all-harmonious: all-harmonious is now.” I felt so clearly and deeply that all that is God is right here and now.
“Now” isn’t a mere moment of time, but the ever-always. It is divine Love being all that can be, because God, immortal Truth, is eternally omnipresent and omnipotent. This only and all-inclusive Truth never ceased to act, never made room for one digit of error, one moment of pain, but consistently, infinitely, only is. And I knew that all I could ever really be is the expression of Truth, the painless manifestation of the one perfect divine Spirit.