There was a time when I could not find a good job. I felt I knew exactly what the perfect job would be, but I was unable to get it. So, I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me as I searched for employment. The practitioner told me I didn’t need to outline where I should be working—I just needed to be humble and realize that true employment is expressing God’s qualities. That could be done wherever we are and whatever we are doing.
I did not like that answer at all, because I really craved a certain job. So I called a second practitioner, hoping to get a different response. But guess what? I got the same answer!
I figured both practitioners couldn’t be wrong. So I decided to pray more and to study the Bible and the writings of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. And through praying and studying more, I finally came to realize what I should have realized in the first place: that divine Mind, God, is really my forever employer, and I live to express God’s qualities everywhere, at all times.