Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
A college protest in the 1970's shifts from pandemonium to peace.
He thought he had forgiven a friend, until prayer prompted him to take a closer look at his thinking.
A witness of the Boston Marathon bombing instantly prays for safety and comfort.
A Christian Science chaplain remembers the words of Jesus—and is healed of momentary despair.
Instead of trying to change their young son’s behavior, these parents decided to see him as God’s upright, perfect man.
Hatred finds no home in love.
A business owner shares how he found his way back from failure and guilt.
We have the authority and divine right to boldly insist that evil has no power over us.
Lessons in daily life inspired Lois Carlson’s contribution in the February Journal.
I was born into a modest family in a village in Togo, West Africa. Nothing in my life, in my village, had predestined me to a happy future, free from the worries about having the basic needs to survive.