Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
One time, my dad, my brother, and I wanted to fly to America to go to a Christian Science summer camp. On the day we were to fly from Frankfurt to the USA I did not feel quite well.
In February 2004, I participated in a trip planned by the school I was attending at that time. We went to Pointe Indienne for the day, an area that borders the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the city of Pointe-Noire, the economic center of our country.
The prevalence of violence in society is a strong call for prayer—and our prayers can be a significant help.
I had been looking forward to my lecture trip to Lomé, Togo, for months. Now, finally belted into my Air France seat and on my way to Africa for the very first time, I wasn’t feeling well at all.
One Sunday after church, as my wife and I pulled into our driveway, I felt an unusually strong impulsion to go immediately into our backyard. I walked to the edge of the yard, where a small stream flows into a larger, deeper pond.
It’s encouraging to know that age is not a barrier to progress. I learned that lesson early from a neighbor—a childhood friend’s father, Mr.
When I look at the news and hear or read about hatred, violence, revenge, and terror, I often ask myself what I can do to contribute to reconciliation. The Bible story about Jacob and Esau helps me with this.
My best prayer tends to happen when I have the quiet confidence and assurance of God’s immediate presence. At those moments, I know that God is All-in-all, divine Love, and that each one of us, as God’s ideas, is spiritual and complete.
Patience: I haven’t always felt that it has been one of my strong points. I’ve wrestled to find it, exercise it, and not berate myself when I’m in the throes of expressing its opposite.
Those words open the second chapter of St John’s Gospel in the Bible. In this chapter Christ Jesus begins his healing ministry.