Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
A resolve to cherish the vibrant, eternal now is the best resolution for the new year.
My high school years, from when I was 12 to 19 years old, were a dreadful period. My attitude was completely out of place.
She just couldn’t be a slave anymore. What she’d learned about how good God is, and that He and His goodness are everywhere, and that she was loved by Spirit in every way, didn’t jibe with her enslavement to the fraudulent contract that had enticed her to leave her family and home in the Philippines with promises of good pay, pleasant accommodations, and a round-trip ticket home every two years.
Some time ago I was hiking in the Swabian Alps [a low mountain range in southern Germany]. The ruins of a castle on the mountain across from me were lying in the sunshine and seemed to invite me to come and experience the sunset from there.
There are times in our lives when we need the encouragement, support, and comfort of another.
While most people in the developed world may think about communicable illness only during certain times of the year, around the globe contagious diseases—more than just seasonal inconveniences—rank as one of the biggest challenges to health and life-expectancy. Whether in regard to malaria, yellow fever, HIV/AIDS, or other illnesses, the need for healing is great.
The bird of paradise bush in front of my home was blooming with the most incredible flowers, and I just had to stop and admire them. As I was looking closely at one of the flowers, I was thinking that it couldn’t be more perfect.
Cycle: “an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed; … A course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point” ( Merriam-Webster Dictionary ). Does this description sound familiar? Our lives often seem to be in a state of perpetual cycles—cycles of daily routine, personal habits, and recurring behavior.
I was so sick that even dragging myself painfully across the living room floor to the stereo took great effort. Knowing my audio CDs were there kept me moving, though.
Divine Mind—unbounded, intelligent, omnipresent—tenderly cares for us. Armed with this divine fact, we’re equipped to face and outface the impact of financial limitations.