Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
It is the half doing and not the whole doing which most tires. It is the breathless, hurried, spasmodic exertion which soonest exhausts.
From The Christian Register we republish, under the above title, the following review of Dr. John Fiske 's last lecture:— The Ingersoll Lecture at Harvard University provides once a year an occasion for the public consideration of the doctrine of immortality.
In the story of the Galilean, it is narrated that on one occasion he healed ten lepers, of whom only one returned to bear testimony to his power to heal. Imitating this grateful man I would offer my evidence as to the truth and efficacy of Christian Science, which to-day reiterates the teachings, and reproduces the works of Christ.
To my sense, one of the greatest beauties of Biblical teaching, and especially the Christian Science concept of it, is the great fact that we are all required to work out our own salvation. This very necessary work cannot be done by leaning on others, neither can it be accomplished by looking for the mote that seems to be in a brother's eye, not discerning the beam in our own.
How many of us, taught in childhood to repeat the Lord's Prayer, ever recognized the deep divinity involved in the above portion of it before we were awakened to the glorious light shed upon the Scriptures and the life of Christ Jesus by Christian Science? In the visible universe, as it appears in human consciousness, is it man alone who fails to do the will of God and to reflect His law? That seems to be the implied belief in the old religious thought, for in the narrower sense of sin as commonly held in that thought, man alone is a sinner. But what does this involve? In the first place, it involves the impossible proposition that God has two wills or laws, one for Heaven and another for earth, for no Christian will contend that the conditions which exist in the physical world and the law which governs its phenomena are operative in the Heaven to which he looks forward.
We clip the following from the Concord Evening Monitor of November 6, 1901 :— The Associated Press on Monday asked the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy if she had seen the anonymous book entitled, "The Spirit of the New Testament, by a Woman.
From the beginning to the end of the sacred writings, the keynote is obedience. This teaching is so very clear and impressive that even the casual reader must observe its constant reiteration.
Prior to my acceptance of Christian Science, I was never satisfied, and drifted from one "ism" to another, and was driven from pillar to post in all the "ologies" and theories of the present day. I had studied closely many of the physical sciences and sciences allied.
The brief summary of the divinely inspired record of creation, recorded in the latter part of the first, and first three verses of the second chapters of Genesis, furnish a declaration upon which must be established the relation which man holds to the lesser ideas of God, the relation of man to God, and of God's purpose to man. In this Scientific account of creation we find a definite declaration of the qualities of all God had made, an affirmation of completeness, continuity, and order.