Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The October Journal, in which the letter bearing the above title was published, being exhausted, in compliance with requests, we herewith republish the same. This letter was written by a lawyer who has become an earnest student and advocate of Christian Science, to a young friend.
Sunday , October 14, was a happy day to the Christian Scientists of the city of Cincinnati, for First Church of Christ, Scientist, held its opening services at the church edifice in Avondale. The brick Presbyterian Church on Rockdale Avenue, situated on a beautiful lot one hundred feet front by one hundred and eighty feet deep, was purchased last August, and thoroughly remodeled and refurnished.
Dear Mrs. Eddy: —Your beautiful gift to my dear little girl is most gratefully received, and I am only sorry that she was not here to open and admire the choicest one of her wedding presents.
This poignant question was addressed directly to Peter, yet it was intended for the listening disciples and the vast assembly of mankind in all ages, past, present, and future. The universe of man in its progressive steps in divine things, halts, listens, and ponders this question of Jesus as directly as in the moment of its utterance, for it is the voice of God to His children, of all classes and conditions of men.
Editor of the Buffalo Commercial: —It is a matter of no little gratification to notice that at last is coming the recognition of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy's efforts and life work.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. — Proverbs, 4: 7.
Among the matchless lessons of our Master we find these words in Matthew, "No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. " And Luke adds "the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.
It is now very generally acknowledged that the world's progress is due to the supremacy of Mind. Through the ever-advancing discoveries and modes of Mind in myriad forms of manifestation, the supposed resistance and unkind forces of matter yield to the quiet march of intelligence, until the hour is struck when the human mind begins to discern the great fact of Truth, that not matter but Mind, when understood, is master.
For about four years I have been earnestly trying to climb the ladder of Truth. I confess many times it has seemed hard and I remained on one round a long time, being often obliged to do my work over again, perfecting the mistakes, only to know God better.
HOW true it is, that the understanding of Christian Science enlarges our views on all lines. We now read the Bible with the understanding that each promise is for us individually, here and now, if the required conditions are being fulfilled by us as they should be.