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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

I saw God's grace in Syria

About a year ago, I received a good lesson in the necessity of wholeheartedly trusting my life to God, our divine Father-Mother. I learned to yield to God’s infinite wisdom, and that there is nothing anyone can do to interfere with divine Love’s plan for us.

Prayer on the road

Once, a fellow church member asked me which radio station I listened to while driving to work. I replied that I prayed during my short morning commute, and celebrated the events of the day by listening to my favorite music station on the drive home.

Real or counterfeit?

A co-worker at a learning center where I am employed suddenly began to make unkind, snappy, sarcastic remarks to me on a daily basis for several weeks. I strove not to react, but rather to respond lovingly or to say nothing.

Citizenship in God’s kingdom

What does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven? This question came to my thought not long ago, when I found myself captivated by the following idea: “Imagine a kingdom with no borders, no crossing points, where each citizen has an inalienable right to access all the good that a loving Father bestows! Citizenship in God’s kingdom enables each of us to use spiritual, God-bestowed talents that fulfil our deepest aspirations” (Ann Kenrick, “Christ’s Invitation,” The Christian Science Journal , April 2011, p. 53 ).

Let God be in control

After arriving by plane in California for a two-week vacation, my wife and I waited for our luggage, but mine never showed up. I was upset because I didn’t want to begin our vacation without most of my clothes.

Beyond the loaves and the fishes

There is no doubt that Christian Science is the most powerful and far-reaching healing agent the world can know. Healings of diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses deemed incurable by medical science prove that.

The language of Spirit: 'peace, be still'

We’ve all heard statements such as “She was too good for this world” and “He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. ” It is the language of those who are seeking comfort and meaning after the impact of a loved one’s passing.

The destruction of Babylon

Understood spiritually, the Bible is a gateway to freedom. Even some of the gloomier and more mysterious parts of the Bible contain inspiration and meaning that can bring healing in any situation.

'The battle is not yours, but God's'

As I was growing up, I had a deep desire to understand Christian Science, and realized I needed to know more about God and my relationship to Him. As I became more and more grateful for an increasingly clear understanding of God as taught in Christian Science, it became upsetting to me if others didn’t feel the same way.

A lesson in loyalty

Recently a good friend of mine and I were talking about praying for ourselves. I had just discovered that it helps me to sometimes write out my prayers and Christian Science treatments, which are specific spiritual truths that are applied to address specific concerns.