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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


" Thus it is with everyone having been born of the Spirit. " Principle here declares Truth, and this Truth is made manifest through the signs that followed him who declared it to humanity.


Evil  counterfeits Good; it says, "I am Truth," when it is a lie; it says, "I am Love," but Love is spiritual, and sensuous love is material; wherefore it is hate instead of love, for the five senses give man pain, sickness, sin, and death;  pleasure that is false, life that leads unto death, joy that becomes sorrow. Love that is not the procurator of happiness declares itself the antipodes of Love, and Love punishes the joys of this false sense of love, chastens its affection, purifies it, and turns it into the opposite channels.

Nota Bene

Nota Bene . —Much anxiety has arisen from the notice in June number of Journal relative to my retirement from active labors in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

There was a crowded attendance at the meeting, Friday afternoon, May 31, at 7 Temple Street, Boston, as at the previous meetings of the Dispensary Association. After the dispatch of business, reports were made by several ladies who have commenced the work of visiting from house to house for the purpose of talking Christian Science to the inmates, and inviting them to come to the Bible class and other meetings at the Dispensary rooms, and for physical healing.

There appeared in the Sun and Voice , a Cleveland paper, the following report of the Association meetings. It presents admirably certain phases of them, and is gladly adopted in the columns of the Journal with thanks to its writer.


Cleveland, June 12, '89. The annual meeting of the National Christian Scientist Association convened at the Music Hall in Cleveland, Wednesday morning, June 12, 1889.


Looking at the passing seasons, and their distinctive characteristics, from the standpoint of material sense, man has drawn comparisons between them and his own career. Summer he regards as a type of life, and in winter he sees a type of death.


Is it not realization of the true sense of Being? Of man's true estate as the image and likeness of God, the opposite of the man declared through material sense? This understanding has come to us through one who has fulfilled, even in conception, all the conditions of human belief. Jesus, the first and perfect Demonstrator of the immortal, perfect man was conceived differently from us, direct from the Divine Idea.

These inquiries are coming from the "four quarters,"—For what purpose has Mrs. Eddy relinquished certain lines of labor in the field of Christian Science and called others to the work? Is she writing her history? or completing her works on the Scriptures? She is doing neither, but is taking a vacation, her first in twenty-five years.

For three months before the meeting of the National Association the intimations had grown more distinct of the severance of visible relations between the Teacher of Christian Science and her students. The number of the Journal that reached them as they were leaving their homes for Cleveland gave distinct announcement of her separation from College and church Pastorate; the gift of the Journal to the Association and resignation of its presidency, that greeted the opening assemblage, made the severance complete and definitive.