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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

Healing and Reports of Cases

"Christian Science rests on proof not profession. It is not a theory, but a demonstrative system of healing, and it must be supported by proof of its power to heal.

How foolish and vain are the best laid schemes of diplomacy, and the highest exhibitions of tact in carrying out plans for the upbuilding of Christian Science. The least shade of deception is fatal to growth in Truth.

"Tasted the good Word of God" (Heb. vi. 5).

"Tasted the good Word of God" ( Heb. vi.


A great deal has been said by the Discoverer of Christian Science, by her students, and in the pages of this Journal, on the question of mixed literature on Christian Science Mind-healing. All who write on the subject claim to be absolutely correct, and yet no two agree.


The events of the crucifixion and "the seven words," or utterances of Jesus as he hung upon the cross, are, when spiritually understood, a vivid portrayal of the successive steps, from the first taking up the cross of denial of personal sense, or the claim of life in matter, to the final overcoming of that claim, and the realization of man's spiritual individuality. Jesus was crucified about the third hour, or nine o'clock in the morning, having been scourged by Pilate before being delivered into the hands of his accusers.

Elsewhere in the Journal will be found reports and communications concerning organization in Boston and New York for Dispensary Work. This is only another of the phases of the process of organization of Christian Science, often noticed in the Journal, and that is going on in every part of the country.


It was about the year 1875 when Science and Health first crossed swords with free-love and the latter fell hors de combat . But the warfare was not ended; the book that cast the first stone is still at work deeply down in human consciousness, laying the axe at the root of error.

Healing and Reports of Cases

" Christian Science rests on proof not profession. It is not a theory, but a demonstrative system of healing, and it must be supported by proof of its power to heal.


There was a large attendance at the April meeting of the Association. Our Teacher was present, and spoke at some length on two points, of which her students have need to be watchful.


Editor Journal : In February, 1887, my wife and I took a course of lectures on Christian Science of Mrs. L.