Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
A little boy quarrelled with his nurse one morning, and wouldn't be dressed. "Why, Harry!" said his mamma, coming in the room,"what is all this fuss about, dear?" "I guess," said Harry, looking ashamed, "it's 'cause error told me God wasn't omnipresent, and all wasn't harmony and peace.
A little girl says she has been treating her brother for irritability and hastiness of temper. "Now whenever he gets cross, instead of its making me cross, as it used to, I am nicer than ever to him; and I think all the time, 'God is Love.
A little girl writes: "I have been having a ' time . ' One day mamma held the thought that I had a cold.
During our last summer's meetings, a little boy, who is not yet four, used to attend with his mother. He has an aunt who is a Scientist, and has heard much about Science and Health in his home.
Is a bright, active little boy of six years who now attends our Christian Science Sunday school. He lives near the Scientist at whose home we hold our meetings, and, beaming with good nature, used to be about asking all manner of questions where Mr.
Nothing is inexorable but love. Love which will yield to prayer is imperfect and poor.
This expression of longing is heard in song and prayer coming from those having no realization of God's nearness to man. For such realization, there must be understanding of who and what God is.
" The Bible by His revelation is most absorbing. It seems so clear when He teaches! The flesh cannot receive the things of the Spirit.
When the children of Israel went out from bondage in Egypt, they fled with haste. The angel of death had gone through the land, and from every Egyptian household arose lamentation for the first-born.
PUBLISHER'S DEPARTMENT. Bound Volume One of Series, May 89-90, is now ready for delivery at $1.