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A little girl says she has been treating her brother for irritability...

From the June 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A little girl says she has been treating her brother for irritability and hastiness of temper. "Now whenever he gets cross, instead of its making me cross, as it used to, I am nicer than ever to him; and I think all the time, 'God is Love. You are the child of Love. Error is nothing. All is Love.' Soon he is as calm and sweet as a May day."

Another little friend, only seven years old, says: " When people are cross or scold now, I always think: 'Poor things! error seems real to them, when really it is nothing, and they are God's children—all Good, and Love, and Truth.' So I treat that all is harmony and peace, and soon everything is peaceable."

" Blessed are the peacemakers," says the Sermon on the Mount, and the children prove how blessed with the dews of God's mercy they are.

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