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During our Last summer's meetings, a little boy, who is not yet...

From the June 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During our last summer's meetings, a little boy, who is not yet four, used to attend with his mother. He has an aunt who is a Scientist, and has heard much about Science and Health in his home. Hearing me speak that name in the talk we were having, he surprised us all by saying: " That's the way baby treats himself." His mother explained that for some time past, if he fell, or met with any accident, he had exclaimed: " Baby isn't hurt! Science and Health! Baby can't be hurt!" He is a beautiful child and has always expressed great love for Christian Scientists.

Last winter he greatly enjoyed a visit from the aunt, of course hearing much about the loved subject of Science; and is since having many beautiful demonstrations, both in his home and outside among his friends.

His little play-fellow over the way was taken very sick with fever. The doctor said he could not live if the fever rose the next day, as it probably would. Little Orville talked quietly to himself while at play, all that day. His mother, listening, heard such words as these: " Lenny isn't sick; Lennie's God's boy. God is Love. God is Spirit. God does not have any sick boys, and Lennie can't be sick." Even in his sleep that night she heard him murmuring such words. In the morning he awoke joyfully saying: " Lennie's all well now." It was true. The fever did not return, and the child was healed.

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