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A little girl writes: "I have been having a 'time.'

From the June 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A little girl writes: "I have been having a 'time.' One day mamma held the thought that I had a cold. I worked awfully hard to 'down' her belief, but I couldn't seem to do it for a long time. I didn't get discouraged, but held to it that there was only One Mind, and it was God; and so I am victor now through Truth.

"I must tell you about the very unscientific thoughts they hold over you. They keep saying: 'She will be all pulled down if she works so hard,' and 'She will be sick next.' I deny this thought, and say: 'She is all right. Don't worry about her. God cares for her.' But you must know about the beliefs they hold over you, so you can meet and destroy them."

Ah! if mothers did but know the good they could do their dear little ones if they believed and understood Christian Science, every mother in the land would be earnestly studying Science and Health.

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