A little boy quarrelled with his nurse one morning, and wouldn't be dressed. "Why, Harry!" said his mamma, coming in the room,"what is all this fuss about, dear?" "I guess," said Harry, looking ashamed, "it's 'cause error told me God wasn't omnipresent, and all wasn't harmony and peace. But I'll treat the error, mamma." So he threw himself on the bed, his face buried in the pillow, and lay silent about ten minutes; then he got up, flung his arms about his nurse's neck, and kissed her. "I do love you, Hannah, and I am God's boy, and all is Love," said he, his face radiant with love and joy at the victory he had won over the error.

A little boy quarrelled with his nurse one morning, and...
From the June 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal