Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Beatrice is a city of about ten thousand inhabitants, situated forty miles south of Lincoln, the Capitol of the State. Christian Science came to us in the autumn of 1884.
In the general upheaval and uncovering of error in the past year, every loyal Scientist has learned the significance of the words of our Leader in her address at the Convention in Chicago: "Take the front rank, face the foe, be in battle every day. " There have been foes in front, and on either side, but God is ever-present, and He has led us step by step; and when it seemed as if all error had united to uproot Christian Science demonstration and Christian Science teaching from Toledo, faithful obedience to the instruction of our Teacher, enabled us to prove mental assassination a lie, to be neither feared nor honored.
Mr. Editor :—In response to your request to give my experience to the readers of the Journal as given to the recent class, I make known the following facts :— Six years ago I went for healing to one I have since learned was a mind-curist, but who then claimed to heal by Christian Science.
When Ezekiel the prophet was called "Son of Man" and told to hearken to the voice of God, it was said to him: "For thou art not sent to a people of a strange language and of an hard speech, but to the house of Israel. " To this "Son of Man" was given but one speech, and that not strange; but one language and that not hard, and he was to guide the House of Israel into but one way and that way was the only way of pleasantness and peace.
We feel, each one of us, that we meet on the eve of stirring events. A movement towards organization is going on in many directions, but it is especially noticeable in the organization of churches.
Beloved Brethren:— I recommend that you lay aside all that is ceremonial even in appearance in our Church, and adopt this simple service. Before the sermon read one hymn, sing once.
" Thus it is with everyone having been born of the Spirit. " Principle here declares Truth, and this Truth is made manifest through the signs that followed him who declared it to humanity.
Evil counterfeits Good; it says, "I am Truth," when it is a lie; it says, "I am Love," but Love is spiritual, and sensuous love is material; wherefore it is hate instead of love, for the five senses give man pain, sickness, sin, and death; pleasure that is false, life that leads unto death, joy that becomes sorrow. Love that is not the procurator of happiness declares itself the antipodes of Love, and Love punishes the joys of this false sense of love, chastens its affection, purifies it, and turns it into the opposite channels.
Nota Bene . —Much anxiety has arisen from the notice in June number of Journal relative to my retirement from active labors in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.
There was a crowded attendance at the meeting, Friday afternoon, May 31, at 7 Temple Street, Boston, as at the previous meetings of the Dispensary Association. After the dispatch of business, reports were made by several ladies who have commenced the work of visiting from house to house for the purpose of talking Christian Science to the inmates, and inviting them to come to the Bible class and other meetings at the Dispensary rooms, and for physical healing.