"The perfect creation" was beautifully voiced by a dear little four-year-old Scientist boy, after intently watching the conversation (on their hands) of two deaf-mutes.
"Who made them so?" he asked; and while waiting for reply, said to himself: "God never borned them deaf; for all He made is right."
One day hearing a larger boy use some naughty words, he said to him, "You are a temptation to me; and the Lord's Prayer says, 'Lead us not into temptation.'"
He is so fearless that he appalls the neighbors by his disposition to climb. When but three years of age he fell from the second story and was picked up unharmed. He gave the glorious reason: "The Lord took care of me."
Surely, such trust and entire dependence on the one Power is the altitude we shall all grow into when we have found the Way in Truth, that is so much a part of these blessed messages of love in our midst, the children!