I have never taken a course of lectures, but have demonstrated quite a good deal with the best results. One of my first demonstrations was that of a little boy, three years old, with a belief of brain fever, and given up by three physicians. I was called with the assurance he could not live until morning. At that time he recognized his mamma and papa, and asked for something to eat—the first he had taken for nine days. In six days he was entirely recovered, and went down town. His mother was healed of dyspepsia in three days, and is now working for the Truth. I am the mother of twelve children, seven of whom are at home. We have not had a physician in the house for three years and a half. I cannot express my gratitude to Mrs. T. of M, —for what she has taught me from Science and Health, and for the consequent illumination of the Bible which followed.— Bement, Ill.

Testimonies of Healing
I have never taken a course of lectures, but have demonstrated...
From the April 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal