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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


On what? Toward what? Is our attitude of mind like the forest tree, which leans for support on its more robust neighbor? Do we aspire toward Spirit, and inspire enough of it to offset our rootedness in the material beliefs by which we are surrounded, that we may not compare unfavorably with a more aspiring and inspiring neighbor? Do our aspirations and inspirations yield to the belief in attraction, which is the result of an aspiration toward and inspiration of Spirit alone, which has developed itself in the grandest proportions, the sublimest comprehensible sense? Has comparison still the power to make us feel our littleness in contrast with our neighbor, who has better appreciated and utilized the very resources which we have at hand? Has envy still the despotic control of our belief? Does the leaning thought find the attraction toward which it leans conducive to beauty, sublimity, or longevity? Can the leaning thought inspire more of Spirit, until it aspires toward it? Can we, any more than a tree, inspire the Spirit, by which our rootedness in fact is supported, unless we, like the grand, beautiful, and majestic tree, raise aloft the drooping, envious, revengeful branches of the thought we hold, while comparing our littleness with the seemingly greater proportions of our neighbor? Do we appreciate the fact that grandeur, sublimity, and majesty of character are developed by aspiration, and that aspiration directs us toward the Truth, the Light, the Life, encouraging us to throw out branches of thought upon every side, so that our resources of inspiration are increased, and our spirituality advanced. Do we, like the tree, imbibe from circumference the essence of spiritual existence; or do we turn inward, and consume the pith, the marrow, the core, which must be consumed before the evidence of vitality in belief of matter becomes less evident? God, or Life, Truth, Love, is circumference and not centre.


In the Gospels we read, in connection with the first Christmas, of the Star which guided the Wisemen, or Magians, to the manger where lay the newborn Jesus, in Mary's arms. God speaks to us today, as he did to Jacob and Joseph of old, "in the visions of the night.


Oh Christmastide! Oh wondrous, gladsome time! Divinity speaks, humanity answers,—and, with universal impulse, pays homage to the Bethlehem babe, the Saviour of the World! Again the listening ear catches the refrain of angel-voices, chanting the new-old message, "Peace on earth, good-will to men. " The singing waves of human want and human woe are hushed and still.


The Fair project is attracting considerable interest among the friends of Christian Science. Its purpose, as was stated last month, is to raise funds for the new church-building in Boston.


The regular monthly meeting of this Association was held on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 5, in a lower room of Tremont Temple, with a very large representation of members present, bringing with them Good Cheer from many towns and cities, east and west, north and south.


While in Boston this summer I had the pleasure of attending a few Sunday-school exercises, and I found them very instructive, in my effort to gain the spiritual significance of the Word. These lessons helped me so much that I thought I would try and give the Journal readers a few interpretations, as I remember them, trusting they will be as beneficial to others as to me.


On another page is given a fac-simile of the Card which friends of Christian Science are selling in aid of the Church Fund. It is the desire of every Christian Scientist to provide our Leader with a Church-building of her own.


To all who are afflicted and suffering, I would say: Go to Mrs. Behan, of Kansas City, and be healed by Christian Science.


Dear Journal : At Council Bluffs, in September 1884, I was taken down with nervous prostration, which ran into paralysis, softening of brain, and spinal-trouble; and in July, 1886, I became bedridden, unable to move hand or foot. I found out that medicine did me no good, and had given it up.


My dear Friend and Teacher : Enclosed you will find a check for $30. 00 for your Church-building Fund.