Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The ambition of mankind cannot engage in a nobler and more profitable pursuit in the world, than to employ every faculty in conforming self, and all things subordinate to self, to the model presented by the man Jesus. To derive edification and help from the example of Jesus, his teachings and work should be studied and received, and applied to all our necessities—to sin and sickness—in just as practical ways, and with just as much determination of purpose, as the methods adopted and employed in various mercantile, professional, and artistic pursuits.
Force of thought may be put forth to amass wealth for selfish gratification, to give the individual power over others, to blind others, to weave a web of sophistry, to cast a deceitful lustre on vice, to make the worse appear the better cause; but energy of thought, so employed, is suicidal. The intellect—in becoming a pander to vice, a tool of the passions, an advocate of lies—becomes not only degraded, but diseased.
Has the Sphinx spoken at last? From lips of stone, has she finally proclaimed the solution of the old riddle, "What are God, Man, and the Universe?" It might so seem, did we credit the authenticity of a new book, called Esoteric Christianity, which W. J.
The origin of evil is the problem of ages. It confronts each generation anew.
Go therefore now and work. Exodus v.
When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke xviii. 8.
For the Lord upholdeth him with His hand. Psalm xxxvii.
I, the Lord, have spoken it and will do it. Ezekiel.
All things are double, and He hath made nothing imperfect. Ecclesiasticus xliii.
The deeper we go into Science, the more certain it becomes that all the realities of nature are in the region of the invisible; so that the saying is literally, and not merely figuratively true, that the things which are seen are temporal, and it is only the things which are not seen that are eternal. Duke of Argyll.