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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

A Lion's Affection

Gerard , the great lion-hunter, captured a whelp in the mountains of Jebel-Meziour (Algiers), and named it "Hubert,' and brought it up as he would bring up a dog from puppyhood, until the child of the "king of the desert" regarded him with a dog's affection, and followed him everywhere. After some time, his huge pet becoming too dangerous to go at large, Gerard made a present of the animal to his friend the Duc d' Aumale; and Hubert traveled to Paris in a big cage, bemoaning his separation from his old master.

Our New Department

The home is especially the sphere for culture and practise of Christian Science, and to the family our Magazine should be eminently adapted. Our new department therefore, of Home, will, we are sure, be welcomed by all our readers; and experience will teach us how to provide better than at the first essay.


We answer: God is Life, Love, Truth, Intelligence, Mind, Substance, and Spirit. The Fatherhood and Motherhood of the Spiritual universe and man.


Of all skill in gentle artistic touches, poetry requires the most delicate mental qualities. Poetry is as difficult to describe as the protoplasmic germ.


From a local standpoint, we see the cause of Christian Science advancing; yet at no period of its history have more weighty responsibilities devolved upon its alleged adherents than at the present,— no time when God's demand was more imperative to separate ourselves, to show our colors, and come forth boldly to face the enmity which is biting at the heel of Truth. One marked feature in this outlook is the rising up of false prophets and teachers on every hand, as of old, seducing the people; defamers, blasphemers, deceivers, adulterating the Truth,—of whom, we regret to acknowledge, not a few once held rank with us, who are now careering forth under the name of Christian Science, | boasting that they have shared bountifully of our loving teacher's instruction and counsel, which leads into the understanding of Christ,—the Truth, the Way and the Life,—which makes their error the more deceptive and dangerous.


To the Editor of the Herald : I have always enjoyed reading "Dr. Frank's" very interesting and instructive articles in your columns.


Dear Journal : Will you kindly allow me a place in your columns that I may tell your many readers what Christian Science has done for me? Looking from the standpoint of understanding to-day, I can see that the very hardest trials have been the most prominent quickenings in the journey to this shelter in Mind. I did not enter this haven of rest through sickness.

A. H. E. M.

The National Convention of Mental Scientists, and S warts, President of the Chicago Mental Science University, alias Spectator graduate of five lessons ,—have convened! But where, and O where, is the missing man, J. W.


The query often arises, whether all sorts of disease can be healed by the Metaphysical method. Most certainly,—this method will reach every possible human disorder.


In what does a man's identity consist? Whence comes it? Has it birth and death? Has it a double significance? Has it aught in common with moral responsibility? Grave questions these; questions so serious in their import, that the changes will be rung upon them, until from her throne of authority, the irrefutable decision of Divine Science is universally heard, understood, accepted, and incorporated into man's existence. By the aid of this Science only, can a pathway be found through the labyrinth of the great problems before this people.