Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Your attention is especially called to this issue of the Christian Science Journal, which numbers five thousand copies, and has exchanges with numerous leading publications. Its patrons are found in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and various parts of Europe.
Dear Friends : In the history of Christian Science the present period presents a most encouraging prospect. Prosperity and rich blessings have always attended the footsteps of all who are faithful in the use of their talents.
The religious world is asking, What is the tendency of Christian Science?" We answer, It is assisting the Church to fulfil its obligations, by pointing to a higher and larger source of Power. This inspires a new moral enthusiasm, and must surely advance and grow, till it becomes a mighty power in all the relations of life.
A writer in a contemporary journal tells us, "there is no place where dwells not Spirit that it sleeps in the mineral, dreams in the animal, and comes to consciousness in man. " This implies that spirit is different from all these, since it dwells in them, either awake or asleep; and the described relation of the two implies a gross pantheism, as if God were the soul of the world.
My Dear Readers : Do we comprehend these beautiful words of our Master, that ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free? and can we realize what it would be to be made free, and what that Truth is which shall make us free? "He came unto his own, and his own received Him not. " The Jews considered themselves the chosen of God; but when Jesus came, declaring the Truth, and that he came not to do his own will but the will of his Father, he was rejected, reviled, spit upon, and finally crucified, when he was giving his life to save the world from sin and its results, sickness and death.
To men in the sensible form, sensible tokens are necessary, to show us where is lodged the supersensible cause of known sensible effects. If Jesus had mentally healed without ever giving the slightest sensible sign, no one could ever have known that he was the healer.
The Jewish Passover was an ancient institution of a domestic and social character, and of religious and patriotic origin and intent. From the usages of this institution we do not find that Jesus made any deviation.
To be "non-committal" is very proper for the judge and jury at the outset of a trial. But there comes a time when they are expected to have and to pronounce a verdict and an opinion.
Money-orders and Checks , forwarded in payment of subscriptions for, or donations to, the Christian Science Journal should be made payable to S. J.
The contents of The New England Magazine for November are especially rich and interesting. There is our own article on "Christian Science Mind-healing," which is of unwonted importance, and shows that our Cause is marching forward in popularity and publicity.