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From the February 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Young Students of Christian Science : Do you know we are like a flock of birdlings, just pushed out from the nest to begin to try our strength? We have not yet grown to where we can call ourselves old enough to get along without the Mother-bird. So long as we do not wander beyond the sound of her call, and obey it, we are safe; but the fairest day, the sunniest sky betrays us into danger, for the Hawk is there, ever ready to swoop down and bear away the young who are unguarded. We are comparatively safe in the Light, if we do not get too far from shelter; but when the darkness—mistiness of mortal thought—comes creeping on, let us not linger until we cannot find our way, nor depend upon some companion to guide us. Love calls us: we know the voice, let us be deaf to all other calls ; and fleet be our wing till we reach the protection of the feathers that warm and cover us.

Animal Magnetism, Mesmerism, Mind Cure, are the Hawk, or Hawks (for they are one family), who are abroad to devour the birdlings, young Christian Scientists. Let us be watchful, and, as we grow, be not too confident of our ability to take care of ourselves independently of the Mother bird—our Teacher—and so get "gobbled up" by the Hawk, as some of the more confident have. When twilight comes creeping into our thought, and things begin to look misty, and all very much alike, do not linger. Shut your eyes (your sense) to the darkness (doubt), and your feet (understanding) will guide you to the Light—Truth.

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