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From the February 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is often remarked by professing Christians, who know little of what we as Christian Scientists profess, and less of what we understand, that we are unsound in faith and doctrine,—that we are led astray through the fallacious belief that Christ, Truth, heals the sick as well as the sinner; which is, so far, just what we do believe; and moreover, it is what we understand to be true. And being verified every day in demonstration, why should we doubt its truthfulness? It is certainly true that Jesus while on earth, and as our exempler, in his office of love and mercy, left us as many examples of his power to heal sickness as sin ; and sent his disciples into the world armed with the same power and to perform the mission, wherein he gave them charge to heal the sick and cast out devils, sin. In whom did the power lie to do the work with which they, the disciples, were charged? Certainly, not in themselves; then it must lie in God, the source of all power.

Has the charge and authority once given to the disciples of Christ ever been revoked? Is there any Scripture which leads us to understand this commission to have been given for a time or season only? Is not God the same, yesterday, to-day and for ever? Is He not the same all-merciful, all-loving Father that He ever was? Have not God's children of to-day equal claims to His promises as any who have lived under the Old or the New Dispensations? Will He withhold any good thing from His children of to-day, who walk uprightly, more than of old? Has the spiritual and Divine law ever ceased, or become inoperative, at any time since the foundations of the world were laid? No ! a thousand times, no, if that would make it any stronger.

We think there should be no exception among Christians in acceding to these questions. We therefore claim that God's law, which is the higher or spiritual law, is co-eternal with Spirit, and must be enforced to-day as it ever was, and ever will be. It was equally in force when Moses showed a leprous hand, and immediately again showed it healed; when both Elisha and Elijah raised the widow's sons; and when Jesus walked the wave and raised the dead, healed the sick and cast out devils. Can a Christian raise his thought to the Infinite Spirit in faith believing, at the same time doubting the ability or readiness to heal the sick, as He ever was? No ; it is "in faith believing, nothing doubting" which brings the fruition of God's promises in answer to prayer.

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