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From the February 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since it has been my privilege to undertake the teaching of Christian Science, the following question, in some form or other, has been put to me so frequently, that I prepared the following answer, never thinking, for one moment, that it will be conclusive to all, for the discernment of the Truth, "that all is Mind; there is no matter," is not arrived at merely by a process of intellectual reasoning; but by a spiritual perception therewith. As so many have kindly said this method of reasoning has been a great help to them, it is now given to the public, with the hope that it may be of as much service to others.

By what process of reasoning do you prove that everything is Mind, and Mind's idea?

If Mind is God, and God is one, as Christ and reason declare, then, Mind, or God, is indivisible, and can never become something else, because Mind can never change. If Mind could change and become other than what it really is, then we should have no Truth or fixed law, no established principle, or standard of appeal. At one time it might be Mind, and at another something else, if it could ever become other than what by nature it is.

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