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From the February 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We should never be satisfied until we have come into the understanding of the Truth as it is in Christ. We who profess to be Christians, i.e., followers of Jesus, the Divine example, may too often be found sitting with folded hands, saying with long-drawn sighs, when sickness and misfortune seem to come upon us, " It is the Lord's will." When, if we will only be up and doing the Lord's work as He hath given us power to do, walking in the Light as He is in the Light, we shall find the ideas of sickness and sorrow to be naught but dark shadows, which will flee before the marvellous Light of God. Peace, happiness and Love will cause Divine melody to flow continually through our lives ; and the way will grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Christians should reflect naught but the true, the beautiful and good.

Oh ! that the Christian world would awake to the grand, noble mission of the Life hid in Christ. That we would realize the eternal Truth of His promises made to us, as well as to the disciples of the apostolic days. Then would Christianity assume its rightful position and power in the world. Mortality would soon be lost in Immortality; the sway of sensualistic life, with its attendant evils, give way to the higher spiritual Life; and the kingdoms of this earth become the kingdoms of our Lord.

As we understand it, this is the object to be attained by Christian Science, and we pray God, speed this great work !

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