Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

I was called to attend a lady of whom the M. D.
A gentleman here had hired all the most skilled Drs. in the U.
The Potency of High Dilutions . —From French sources we derive the following incident: Madame de X—,feeling rather poorly, sent for her doctor, a homeopathist, and asked him to give her a "potion" which might make her able to go the same evening to a ball.
From Houghton, Mifflin & Co. , we acknowledge the following holiday publications: "Reckonings For Every Day—A Calendar of Thought;" arranged by Lucy Larcom.
The season is coming which is marked by beautiful custom and sweet association, in which everybody is asking what presents they shall make to friends and dear ones; and our times furnish an infinite variety of things good for such a purpose. But among them all there is nothing equal to a good book.
In various discussions and observations involved in conducting a Journal, unpleasant things have to be said sometimes of persons, and sometimes of the causes and interests with which they are connected. But these do not always go together.
We extend our thanks to correspondents who have sent us some excellent articles for the Journal, some of which, however, were too late for this number, and will enrich the next. Our first article for this month is a real Christmas Carol, though not so announced, and it will make melody in many hearts.
Roger Bacon , the "Marvelous Monk," who seems to have anticipated many of the heretical tenets of his great namesake, ventures the remark that, "according to his honest conviction, a benevolent and absolute monarch could not do his subjects a greater service than to expel from his dominions all physicians and druggists, farca et tridente" at the point of the bayonet, as we would say nowadays. It is probable that such an exodus would throw many honest tradesmen, herb-gatherers, almanac-printers, and bottle-manufacturers (not to mention undertakers) out of employment; but it is rather doubtful if the statistical records, or the absolute monarchy, would not gradually reconcile the inhabitants to their bereavement.
Somebody who has seen Hungry Joe, the bunko swindler, since he went to prison, reports him as holding an apparently sincere belief in his possession of psychologic power. Asked what was the secret of his wonderful success in swindling intelligent and often experienced men, he replied: "It is mesmerism.