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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

A Dog That Could Count

Old Fetch was a shepherd dog, and lived in the Highlands of the Hudson. His master kept nearly a dozen cows, and they ranged at will among the hills during the day.

The Golden Mean in Governing

Barbarous times are marked by an excessive severity in everything, and therefore in parental government. Reaction from this generates a disposition to forego all home government; and this is fostered by indolence, and a reluctance to endure the mental and moral concern and the toil of careful consideration involved in the proper moral training of children.

The Rescue of the Lamb

The other day, a gentleman was driving a lady along the pretty prairie road that leads to the Falls of Minnehaha, when they saw a flock of sheep feeding beneath an oak-tree. In the centre of the field was a long trough, fed from a spring, where the lambs and sheep could drink.


Editor Journal : Once more we crave space in your columns, earnestly desiring that Truth may guide our pen to utter thoughts that shall be manna to many who are hungering and thirsting after spiritual things. Though scarcely yet in the a-b-c class of Christian Scientists, and though the growth in science is slow, we feel that it is sure.


In the eternal reign of Spirit, ease is found in unceasing activity. There is nothing to induce or affirm any other condition.


Dear Friend : I am sorry that your unfavorable circumstances are made the source of so much trouble. You have yielded to temptation, and allowed the entrance into your heart of bitterness, impatience and irritability, which are very bad guests indeed.


Dear Journal Readers. — You are returning home, or soon will be, and a consideration of the Cause you profess to love is required of you.


In the June number of The Century, appeared an article under the above title, from the pen of Dr. J.


I think all who have studied, and intend to live up to the teachings of Divine Science, will undergo in part the same experience. I am convinced that we are our own enemies; that we subject ourselves in fear to the claims of evil, allowing them to appear real; and with absurd passivity, without demur, bow our necks to receive the yoke which the "gods many" of mythology impose upon us and we then ask to be freed from the slavery of sin and sickness, while we hug our very fetters.


When the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt, we read that God "led them about through the wilderness by the Red Sea. " Being overtaken by Pharaoh and his host, who pursued in order to bring them again into bondage, they were sore afraid.