Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Dear Journal : I want to say a few words through your columns in the way of acknowledgment; perhaps they may reach someone as needy as I was, and give them courage,—the courage of hope, made strong by the sweet promises of reward for faithfulness,—faithfulness over the little things of our daily life. I am learning the alphabet of Christian Science.
Listening to the remarks of one who declared that "Christian Science contradicted the moral teachings of the Bible, and opposed the teaching and work of Jesus," evoked the following query: Why this apparent difference in regard to the teachings of the Scriptures? The question, then, that concerns this article, resolved itself thus: Does Christian Science contradict, or even disturb, a moral sense of the Scriptures, by opposing an obedience to its commandments? The Bible is received in its Scriptural teachings by the Christian Scientist from a moral and spiritual standpoint only. If, then, we do not oppose the fulfilling of the moral and spiritual purposes of the Scriptures, we need not exercise any anxiety as to the ultimate of the literal or physical rendering of the same.
Look for crosses, and while it is fair weather mend the sails of the ship. God's wheat must go through Satan's sieve, but their faith shall not fail.
The belief in meat is ubiquitous with the Anglo-Saxon. No one can be strong without meat, it is asserted.
"Form, outline and color are ideas that Mind has expressed, and they never leave their spiritual and immortal basis for one transient and material. "—Mrs.
May it never depart from our consciousness! God as Truth, in contradistinction to error. Truth eternal, error temporal.
The Substance of Life, of Truth, Love, Wisdom, Principle, is Spirit. Spirit is therefore real; matter is unreal; Truth is the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, that shall break in pieces the image —materiality—and scatter it like chaff of the threshing-floor, that no place shall be found for it, "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not.
"Oh! who shall deliver us from shams, from fraud and error, and all evil, and reveal us their opposites,—sincerity, truth and love, and all good? How we would choose the better part, and pursue it with all our might!" Thus we all say, and so feel, in our better moods. But we feel that clouds and darkness are round about the "excellent glory" which we seek.
The present age witnesses a notable departure from previous methods of healing disease. The change is a striking one, yet neither extravagant nor absurd to the thoughtful mind that has noted the progression in material methods, from the salivation by calomel, the black draught and the blood-letting of our grandfathers, to the higher attenuations of the homeopath and the manipulations of the magnetic healer.
I was called to attend a lady of whom the M. D.