Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

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As we enter school we know not what is before us, but our purpose is, or should be, to get knowledge and wisdom from those who are supplied with such. Thus we come to this school of Truth, and in it we learn of the "All in all.
To the Editor of The Inter Ocean. Chicago, Dec.
We should never be satisfied until we have come into the understanding of the Truth as it is in Christ. We who profess to be Christians, i.
To experience and observation, new phases of religious opinions appear on every hand, each pressing forward and urging its claim as Truth, and the " guiding star" to "Millennial Glory. " From this point of view, can be seen the special adaptation of the apostle's words to the need of this hour ; nor are we left in ignorance as to the way to accomplish this work, and arrive at just conclusions.
I want the internal oracle, Thy still, small voice together with Urim and Thummin, the new name which none knoweth but he that receiveth it. In a word, Lord, I want a plenitude of Thy Spirit, the full promise of the Father, and the rivers which flow from the inmost divine center into the hearts of believers.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Young Students of Christian Science : Do you know we are like a flock of birdlings, just pushed out from the nest to begin to try our strength? We have not yet grown to where we can call ourselves old enough to get along without the Mother-bird. So long as we do not wander beyond the sound of her call, and obey it, we are safe; but the fairest day, the sunniest sky betrays us into danger, for the Hawk is there, ever ready to swoop down and bear away the young who are unguarded.
Whether it be for good or evil, the education of a child is principally derived from its own observation of the actions, the words, the voice, the looks of those with whom it lives. It is not enough, then, that parents and others set no bad example ; it is indispensable that they set a good one.
Observe the fervid thought which inspired St. Paul! His success was due to the conviction that he preached the plain Truth.
A few immortal sentences, stimulated by justice, have broken fetters and abolished whipping posts and slave markets. Tyranny will go down in blood, and the breath of Freedom come from the cannon's mouth.