Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The word temperance, in these days, is coming to the signification of abstention from intoxicating drinks. A special rather than its broader, and more general and accurate meaning; and it is in this more limited sense that I use it.
I want to tell you how the mammas away up in Lapland keep their babies from disturbing the minister on Sunday. Poor babies! I suppose it is growing bad style everywhere to take them out to church; and I suppose, too, that the ministers are, privately, as thankful as can be.
There is but one thing needful, to possess God. All our senses are so many ways of approaching Divinity, so many modes of tasting and adoring God.
Now it came to pass after many days, that there abode in the city of Denver, which lieth in the land of Colorado, very many mighty men—men of great renown, learned in all the medical and surgical wisdom of the age, and in the quackeries also; and they said, Behold, it is good for us to be here; for lo! the land is full of invalids, and we shall wax sleek eating of the fat of the land. And they bought and laid by in store, and builded them houses and barns, and whole blocks, of the money which they received from the suffering and diseased; who, like Asa of old, when he was diseased exceeding great, "yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians; and Asa slept with his fathers.
In that lovely fable of the Halcyon, we read: "In the wild winter months" is given "the wisdom of calm" to those days when the Halcyon builds her nest on the sea, and that time is known as "the hour of winds'-hiding,"—the Halcyon days. And such are the days which Christian Science brings to our consciousness, wherein the discords of mortal sense yield to the law of harmony, and spiritual sense is acknowledged true.
Facts present are intended to instruct us, and if we duly observe them, they will be ours forever, and we shall trace their connection with futurity. Rational inferences from facts are not, however, mere airy surmises, but solid Truth, and every expectation fairly founded on experience is of the nature of true prophecy, being consistent with the universal reason by which all events are ordered.
Song, or music, has always exerted a wonderful, incomprehensible power, which men have long endeavored to understand and define. The early Greeks recognized this power, and worshiped it in the form of the god Apollo.
After much vaporing, sundry threatenings and something akin to thunderings, Rev. Mr.
It has been said, "that we by searching cannot find God. " One thing it is very evident we can do; we can understand, in part, at least, our relation to Him.
It might be said of the Christian Church to-day, that, in its attitude and in its character, as it stands before the world, it is little more exalted in the purity of its teachings, little more imbued with the true sense of Soul and the Spirit of infinite Love, than was the church at "Jerusalem, when Jesus spoke to the multitude, and to his disciples, saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, they bid you observe, but they say and do not, for all their works they do to be seen [applauded] by men. " The question of the hour, therefore, is not so much, "Do they practice what they teach? do they really do unto others as they would have others do unto them?" but do they do these things in compliance only with the cold, material rules of law and conduct? or are they impelled and inspired in their belief, and in their work, by that purity of heart, that humbleness of spirit, that self-sacrificing devotion, and that unselfish and unbounded Love, exemplified in the character, teachings, and examples, of the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles during their Divine mission upon earth? Call up the tablets of the human mind, and glance at the record made thereon touching the various sects, isms, and denominations, as they stand throughout Christendom to-day.