Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

Chemists have labored to produce living matter, but so far have utterly failed in these endeavors. Organic matter has been analyzed, and its chemical constituents— carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur—are all known; but when chemists combine these elements in the same proportions, no breath comes, no throbbing heart, no blood-circulation; in fact, not the slightest trace of what we distinguish by the name of Life.
God has a host who measure the strength and completeness of their union with Him by their holy living, rather than by their high emotions. As saintly as Paul, or Wesley, or Fletcher, or Carvosso, or any of the elect women of the past, whose written lives have been such an inspiration to us, while I pen these lines I sit amid thronging memories of a multitude of living ones scattered here and there through the churches, who do not defile their garments.
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Emily S. Bouton : "If I could only hear him say once, just as he used to in the early days of our married life, that he loves me, I believe I could go to work again without feeling that everything is such a dreary failure," said a weary woman to me once.
In a recent lecture before the Y. M.
Above the angry roar of the breakers, if we listen for the voice of Christ, Truth, we shall hear it: "Be of good cheer. It is I; be not afraid.
In declaring God to be Principle and not person,— a non-natural being, residing somewhere in space, and from His throne above governing all things, and issuing daily and hourly to man, through the medium of material sense, His edicts of good and evil, productive alike of punishments and rewards, sorrows and joys, sin and sickness, life and death,—Christian Science declares a truth which is not only self-evident, but is corroborated and proven by the teachings of Christ and the Scriptures throughout. The belief that good and evil emanate from the same source is, like all man-made doctrines, false and misleading.
In these days, when hygiene and sanitation are among the leading topics of discussion, we hear much talk about the necessity of a pure atmosphere for physical and moral health. The supreme importance and the far-reaching influence of our mental atmosphere is a subject unfortunately receiving too scant attention.
An item of experience in the history of a little child, somewhat illustrative of the practical truth of Mrs. Eddy's teaching, came under my notice quite recently, and has so much interested me that I will try and give it in substance to our readers as she gave it to me.
The growth and progress of Christian Science has created a new want, and we have been feeling how much our little folks need a school, where the common, and the advanced branches also, of education, should be taught from the higher, healthier plane of thought attained through Christian Science. There is not an avenue of thought where this advance movement of Truth does not enter, separating the tares from the wheat, and shedding new light upon old ways.