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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


The question often arises, whether Christian Scientists really believe in an individual and controlling Deity, separate from the universe which is the reflection of His thoughts; whether their God is anything more than an impersonal Principle, with no power or will in itself; whether they do not believe with Zeno of Cyprus, who lived some 350 years before Christ, and founded the School Of Zenonians, or Stoics. According to a recent writer, Salem Wilder, in his valuable work on Life, page 50:— Zeno contended that the vital force filled all things, and was ever ready, to burst into animated existence, whenever favorable conditions existed; and that this vital force controlled all things, but that it was an invisible Principle, and not a personal God.


In no subject is there more interest than in the future life, and religious believers and leaders are often asked about it. One inquirer phrased her question in this way:— After the change called Death takes place, do we meet our friends who have gone before, or does Life continue in thought only, as in a dream? Man is not annihilated, nor does he lose his identity by passing through the belief called Death.


We seem to be travelling along an ever-turning and changing road. Now we wander over pavement easy to the feet, —no ragged edges here,—and on every side the whirl of glorious emotions touches us.


A slim book of 28 pages lies before the reviewer. It has stiff sides and an open back, peculiarly and strongly corded, as one sometimes sews covers upon a pamphlet, for strength and protection.


In the May number of our Journal there appeared a review of, and some extracts from, Dr. F.

To many the healing force developed...

To many the healing force developed by Christian Science seems a mystery, because they do not understand that Spirit controls body. They acknowledge the existence of mortal mind, but believe it to reside in the brain; but that man is the idea of Infinite Mind is an opinion not so easily accepted, because mortal mind is hampered by its material beliefs.

Day of Salvation

Behold, now is the accepted time; Behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians vi.

One Word

A word to the wise is sufficient. Proverb.

Saint George and the Dragon

Then there 's a monster, so fair at first, Called Ease, or Comfort, or harmless Pleasure,— Born of smooth Leisure, On Luxury's lap delicious nurst,— Who 'd buy your soul if you'd sell it, just To catch one minute With joyance in it, Or ward off sorrow Until tomorrow; Trample him, trample him into dust. Saint George and the Dragon! ah, my boy, There are many old dragons left, would-scourges, And few Saint Georges— There's much of labor and little of joy! But on with you, on to the endless fight: Your sword, firm buckle; To no man truckle; Wave your bold flag on, And slay your dragon.

Church and Association

Christian Scientist Association The regular monthly meeting was held at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, President Eddy in the chair. The attendance was very large.