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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


Under every popular craze there is always a truth—a truth for which the world is ready. Some picturesque fancy catches the popular attention.


Jesus once said: "No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. " As Christian Scientists we have taken a stand before the world, as the avowed exponents of a religion which claims to set forth the only way into the kingdom of heaven.


The consideration of the subject of Prayer is of infinitely greater importance than any other on which we can bestow our thought. It is the golden chord which connects the finite with the Infinite.


This is the title of a new book by Francis Ellingwood Abbot, Ph. D.

We need never be alarmed at the perilous...

We need never be alarmed at the perilous condition of Truth; for, of all things,  that  seems to me the best capable of taking care of itself. E.

Economic Hints

Chestnuts. Lately there has been much talk about the origin of the word chestnut, as applied to stale jokes.

Divinity Served in Contradictions

The Father Divine would at times seem to press peculiar claims upon His offspring, even lay the whole realm of creation under tribute, that thereby the glories of Mind might be revealed, His right of sovereignty, who would deny? And he who will lend an attentive ear to the still, small voice, may move onward and upward in the heavenly course. This way was indicated in remote ages, by prophet and seer; but in more recent times God spake through his Son, and by His Holy Spirit.

Call to Work

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?  I Samuel i. 12.

Enduring Structures

Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Christ, Jesus. I Cor.

Second Coming of Christ

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John xiv.