Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Sad and disappointed, full of self-reproach, we shall not be so forever. The light of heaven breaks upon the night of trial, sorrow, sin; the sombre clouds which overhung the east, grown purple now, tell us the dawn of heaven is coming in.
As a rule, humanity is ever reaching beyond the mortal standpoint of order and condition, after something whereon to rest its hope, in permanent security and peace. We shall find this basis as we turn away from the things of earth, denying all the claims of personal sense, and seek for "the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Here is a good illustration from old Dr. Lyman Beecher, which is going the rounds of the press:— "Young Gentlemen," said the Doctor, pausing in the midst of a lecture on Divine Decrees, and raising his spectacles over his forehead,—a way he had when some extemporaneous thought struck him,—"Theology is a mighty deep.
Much of the prejudice against Christian Science is the result of misunderstanding. This misunderstanding is caused by the different point of view, held by those who reject the Science.
Sarah Elizabeth Titcomb gives this clear title to her book, of 300 handsome pages, recently published by Cupples, Upham & Co. In many respects it is an interesting work, especially in its stories to illustrate the rational powers of birds and beasts, and its quotations to prove that the Bible nowhere teaches that man naturally possesses an immortal soul or spirit; for apparently she agrees with the Second Adventists, that, when a human being dies, he wholly perishes, soul as well as body, and that if there be immortality for man, it must be because God raises him from the dead and clothes him with a new body.
In which are some things hard to be under stood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 2 Peter Ill.
Every house is builded by some man, but He that built all things is God. Hebrews iii.
January 24, the pastor, Mrs. Eddy, preached, for the first time in several months.
On Jan. 31 Mr.