At the August meeting of the Christian Association, Boston, in the absence of Mrs. Eddy, Rev. Wm. I. Gill was made chairman. Dr. Harris read an excellent paper, which was freely discussed, and a copy of it requested for the Journal, and it will, we trust, in a subsequent number, give pleasure to our readers.
In considering Dr. Harris's paper, the relative greatness of the sexes was discussed, some of the male members gallantly honoring their sisters, while the chairman showed them the importance of sustaining their position by good arguments; though he refrained from entering further into the merits of the question. A sister (Mrs. Leonard) asked if she ought to teach for nothing where there were no means and much desire, with an insinuation of selfishness in refusing. Many replies and excellent remarks in response were made, mostly to the effect that those who were competent to be of any service were competent to raise, or guarantee the raising of the required fee, and that insinuations of selfishness could be retorted on those who made it, since they are asking for nothing what has cost the other party much sacrifice. These, by their efforts and sacrifices, have proved both their competence and their worthiness, and it is but wise and right to require others to go and do likewise.