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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


The useless burdens we impose upon ourselves show our lack of wisdom generally. The desire to outshine our friends in artificial glitter brings one of the heaviest loads we have to bear; and it neither elevates ourselves nor those around us.


"There is a purpose in pain, else it were devilish," sang Owen Meredeth, in Lucille. Yet Pain is useless,—an abnormal condition, the result of a belief.

Some men neglect, if they do not wholly reject, the Gospel, because many of its truths are bounded by horizons of impenetrable mystery. But the fact of human existence under its existing conditions is also a mystery which no man's reason can fully comprehend.


Whatever man sees, feels, or takes cognizance of, must be caught through mind, insomuch as perception, sensation and consciousness belong to mind and not to matter. Floating with the popular current of mortal thought, without questioning the reliability of its conclusions, we do what others do, believe what others believe, and say what others say.

We clip from "The Journal of Education's"...

We clip from "The Journal of Education's" report of the annual meeting at Saratoga, N. Y.


Materialists are always in trouble. They build theories on nothing, and change them with the seasons.


My dear readers, you do not know the good you can accomplish by studying Christian Science, not only in healing, but in carrying those with whom you come in contact up to the higher understanding of Life. Everybody that can should study this Fall, to be sure of the instruction of our present teacher, and the president of our college.


Children are natural metaphysicians. A little four-years-old child of a Christian Scientist, overheard talking to herself, her father said.


We have a beautiful idea of this word health, as the old Saxons spell it wholth, meaning, wholesoundness. Thus we see Jesus' meaning, where he so often uses the term, "Thy faith hath made thee whole.


Spirit and its formations are all that are real; no partnership or fellowship exists between those two opposites—Spirit and Matter. They cannot co-exist or co-operate, and either one can no more create the other than Truth can create error and vice versa.