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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


Letters lately received from western cities, and especially from the city of Chicago, by members of the Christian Science Association of Boston, contain the singular statement that "it has been represented by some practitioners of mental healing, in those cities, that the book, "Science and Health," is not for sale to any but students of Christian Science, either as personal students of the author of the work, or of the graduates of her college in Boston. " None of the graduates of Mrs.


Who is the man who knows the flower? Is it he who plucks, and dissects, and classifies? or he who, seeing the blossom floating on the summer air, glistening in the sunlight, feels a tender, thrilling recognition of that beauty, which is the good gift of a good and loving God? And who is the man who knows a word? "Why it lies there on the paper,—a mere word. " You have spoken it a thousand times.


Custom renders palatable to the cannibal the dainty flesh of human kind, even as it does that of animal flesh to the palate of civilized eaters. The writer, a few years ago, thought nothing of dining off the corpses of hogs, oxen, sheep, &c.


Not long since, a lady entered the office of a well known dentist in a neighboring city, to have some teeth extracted, but decided she could not endure the pain without the aid of some stupefying agent. She accordingly chose gas.


This age seems reaching out towards the perfect Principle of things; pushing towards perfection in art, inventions and manufactures. Why, then, should religion be stereotyped, and we not obtain a more perfect and practical Christianity? It will never do to be behind the times in things most essential, which proceed from the standard of right that regulates human inventions.


The ambitious author of the libellous article in the Daily Advertiser of Jan. 16, with the above caption, lost his fire under the opprobrium of ignorance or malice.

Has services every Sunday, at Hawthorne Rooms, 2 Park St. Bible Lessons, pointing to Christian Healing, by the pastor, Mary B.


I believe that God has given to every one a place, and in this harmonious creation there is no void,—nothing left out, nothing lacking,—so we may as well try to breathe without air, or think without mind, as to think we can rotate out of the divine order of being, or take any place other than our own. Others may try to usurp us; they may try to be like us; they may move earth, and apparently heaven, to gain our position; but when God has placed us there, we are there, and naught can move us out of this our rightful inheritance.


Dear Editor :—Allow me a few words on what "Christian Science" has done for me. I had been an invalid for nearly five years, with nervous prostration.


I have thought many times since, these words came to me with peculiar force and beautiful fitness, how much real enjoyment and profit is lost through a lack of appropriating God's word to our every need; and while it appears that this quotation, with many others equally helpful, has a powerful significance at the present hour, would it not be well to lay aside some of the rush and tumult of mortal thought, and give these angel visitors more prayerful attention. At this age of the world when, "miraculous cures," so-called, are becoming frequent, there is little room to doubt the agency through which they are wrought.