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The friends of the Christian Scientists...

From the January 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The friends of the Christian Scientists (not the Scientists themselves) have been considerablyexercised lately over a series of contributions to Zion's Herald, on "Prayer and Healing," being the elaboration of a paper read by Prof. L. T. Townsend, before the Boston Preachers' Meeting of Oct. 27, I884.

Most of the readers of our excellent exchange see in the articles condemnation of Christian Scientists and Faith Workers; but we, for our own part, looking the essay over, read in it condemnation of no one and nothing. Prof. Town-send writes from a fair standpoint of sincerity and openness to conviction with which none of us should quarrel. He intimates certain conclusions from meagre data however, not having, as is very apparent, hardly the slightest knowledge of the philosophy upon which the practice of true mental healing is based. He says moreover, that "those who are looked upon as leaders in mind cure are neither scientific, philosophical, nor in any respect scholarly."

When we reflect that, whatever the disadvantages of the counterfeiters, the one leader of this movement was formerly a teacher in high standing, a writer of fine repute, and a practising M.D. of the regular school, with a large, successful and lucrative practice, we see that the able Professor has shot considerably wide and off evidence in the above statement, which seems to be the only one calling for severe criticism from the Scientists, who, as mental healers under a "leader" in "mind cure," ask that facts, and not fancies or fiction, shall be put before the public in these days of "mixing things."

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