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Why do certain publications and people,...

From the January 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Why do certain publications and people, after the vexed question has been agitated and safely settled so that all the world may lave * in its clear certainty, continue to speak of "Heads" of Metaphysical or Christian Science schools?

Just a very few years ago, the first book that was ever written for the purpose of teaching mankind the science of mental force as applied to health and morals, was almost hissed off New England's conservative stage of thought, for the radical, strange, and as all then acknowledged, wholly new phase of metaphysics, called Christian Science.

But when practical demonstrations based on the written rules of that book began to command the wonder and admiration of all who witnessed them, there was great running to and fro, to hunt up old philosophies and detached paragraphs here and there from new ones, to prove that some man now, or some man then, somewhere, had previously advanced the very ideas of Mrs. Eddy's book.

* A correction was made in the February 1885 Journal: ERRATA in Jan, No. of Journal. Fourth page, first column, thirtieth line, read, "lave" for "live"

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