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A writer in the current number of the...

From the January 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A writer in the current number of the Fortnightly Magazine says, that one of the most remarkable notes of the nineteenth century is its mysticism; that this is the age of new intellectual conception and developments. Perhaps one of the most interesting examples of this note of mysticism that certainly pervades modern society is that offered by the phenomena of the mind-cure. The potency of the influence of the mind over the body is acknowledged by all; the problem is to how great an extent this can be carried out? There is little doubt but that outward events are, to a wonderful degree, predetermined by temperament, and that they are almost materializations of the inner nature. It is possible to hold ourselves in magnetic relation to success, to prosperity, to virtues, to happiness, and there is true philosophy in the words, "Believe in happiness, expect it, make room for it in your life."—Con.

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