Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Many years ago, when cholera was rife in Ireland, it seemed to defy the skill of the faculty to such a degree that the panic-stricken people believed the doctors poisoned the patients; and in some instances they threatened to pull down the hospitals. During the while, a physician was applied to very urgently by the brother of a cholera patient to make a visit at the dead hour of the night, and at considerable distance from his residence.
Truth . -" Truth is simple not complex; and when unadulterated is as easily comprehended by the uncultured as the cultured.
It is a thing entirely too true that offences against morality by men in high position are more frequently condoned than are those by others in less conspicuous places, and yet we must unite our protest with those of the best and purest of our brethren, and contend that a man's private life is a matter of interest to all those whom he proposes to serve in public office. What is character worth, if it avails nothing when a man is brought before the public? If vice and virtue are of no consequence in the political arena, then of what consequence are they anywhere this side of the judgment seat?— Journal and Messenger.
This question has often been answered, is answered in the Bible, and in " Science and Health. " Its principles were taught and practiced by Jesus the Christ and the disciples in olden time, and now also are taught and demonstrated.
In the Boston Commonwealth we read of the rejection by the editor of the Congregationalist , of Mr. Oliver Johnson's very comprehensive and able reply to Austin Phelps' attack on the early abolitionists, as published in the Congregationalist issue of May 1st, 1884.
In the divine therapeutics of Christian Science, faith in the Christ principle is accounted more efficacious in the healing of diseases, from the simplest to the most complex manifestations, than any prescription known to Pharmacology. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the belief in the coining or actual possession of the blessed good desired.
Owing to a pressure of other duties, the founder and editor of this Journal has concluded to put the editorship of future numbers into the hands of a student whose term of service begins with the present issue. The editorship will be resumed by Mrs.
Somewhere we have read, that there are two ways of treating mistakes. One way is to let them alone making no attempts to correct them or learn any thing from them.
The precious cause of Truth, we trust, unites us in one common bond of fellowship and interest for the good of suffering humanity, and for this cause we now make an earnest appeal in behalf of our little paper, the " Journal of Christian Science , which calls loudly today for support, and must have it too, at once, or go down. Because of great press of care and labor (which we all know must be the case) our beloved teacher, and able editor, Mrs.
The Metaphysical Doctor is all the rage just now. He sits by your side, and coolly argues with you that you have no fever; your headache is a myth; your cold has no existence.