The Boston Congregationalist was right in stating, as it recently did, that the "Christian Scientists continue to push their views." Said "pushing" being two heinous departures from strict Congregationalism, healing the sick, and asking for letters of dismission from various churches in Boston and vicinity, to join the denominations of the practical Scientists.
And all the busy "pushing" Scientists ask of the blessed old Recorder is the very "letting alone" it has preached so loudly ever since a few marvellous cures, based on the fulfilled promise of the Christ as to the "signs" of His true followers, startled their (Eds. Cong.) conservative wits to the publication of a letter against such "carryings on," only equalled in the vituperative energy of its expressions by the roar against the Man of Nazareth: "A pestilent fellow," who "perverteth the people," and "blasphemeth God."
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?'' Faith in what? Can it mean belief in the simple historic fact that a man named Jesus lived eighteen hundred years ago— a good man, who preached Truth, but whose promises amounted to nothing? No; it means, Shall He, at the divine Second appearing of the Principle strenuously denied and vindictively shut out of mortal mind at its first coming, find any to claim His promises as theirs through understanding of, and confidence in, actual accomplishment of whatsoever they shall ask in His name, even to the healing from sickness and the upbuilding of character—cleansing from sin.