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From the March 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A. G. D. asks: "Did Jesus Christ, when he said to the paralytic, 'Take up thy bed and walk,' begin as the Scientists now do, by arguing mentally that there was no such thing as paralysis; that it was only a belief of blood stagnation, etc.?"

No. He knew the spiritual man's divine perfectness and realized that that was the only man there was. He knew that the man before him, death-threatened by a law of mortality, was not the real man, God's thought. He who had dwelt in full understanding of that Truth from the beginning did not have to repeat the rules which the life problem proposed involved, to bring out the perfect result instantly. Have patience, A. G. D., and these little children, solving life problems so patiently for you all, will grow in grace and the knowledge of the Principle, till they, too, shall be able to rely not upon argument for each solution, but the "Spirit that beareth witness" shall enable them to present many instantly perfect, as were the master Metaphysician's demonstrations.

A. D, asks: "If mind cure is founded on Truth, why did not Jesus teach it to his disciples, and to all his hearers?"

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